Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Today was my weigh in and I MAINTAINED. I am actually thankful for that, considering there was the 4th of July cookout at the Harris', a 3-day weekend and too much eating out in general! Lissette and I are kicking it up a notch for next week to see some results!
It was a really good meeting today. I watched 2 women receive their Lifetime of them had lost 30 pounds, the other....86.5! It was very emotional for them and very motivating for the rest of us. I'm still at an 8.4 pound weight loss for my first month with Weight Watchers.


Coach T said...

cute cartoon. keep up the good work!

Jamie said...

You are doing a great job! It is a major accomplishment to maintain through a holiday weekend. I know there are a million diets out there, but as far as I'm concerned, Weight Watchers is the only "diet" that I can see using for the rest of my life. Also remember, there will be days that you "fall off the wagon" but just get back on and keep going. (This is another great thing about WW, you can have a bad day and not blow your whole week.) Anyway, I'm really proud of you and your efforts! You're doing great!