Saturday, June 28, 2008


Ouch this hurts...but I'm doing it. This is my 'before' picture. (hopefully) No, I'm determined it is. I thought that taking this picture and then putting it on my blog would commit me even further to my be fit by 40. And beyond. This is the day that I rejoined Weight Watchers. I have lost serious weight twice in my life, once with Weight Watchers and once in a way that I would not recommend. (12 pounds in a week during a trying time in my life, not good.) With Weight Watchers, I lost 22 pounds, but didn't commit to the meetings and quit going once I'd lost. Of course I gained 20+ pounds back! Then a couple of years later, I ended up losing the 20 again, but once I got happy...gained it another 10 or so, for a grand total of 33 pounds. I put off doing anything because some people really make me feel good about myself. I swear though, if another person tells me that I don't need to lose weight, I'm going to scream. I am the only one living in this body, and I know the truth. I know how I feel. Time for a change.
I finally realized that I didn't just need to diet again, I needed to think about making changes that would last a lifetime, hopefully a long lifetime for my family. So, this time when I walked in the door and put down my check, bought the little points books and stepped on the scale, I was determined to take it serious. Not to just go for the weigh-ins (like I did before) but to soak it all in: the meetings, the encouragement, the Bravo stickers, the points tracking, and the overall life makeover. My mission this time is to achieve my LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP.
Whew....I'm in the 3rd week, and I already feel better. I should get my 5 pounds lost sticker on Wednesday, and I can't believe how excited I am to get a little gold star and a hug from the leader, Beverly! I don't know if it's a brave thing to do, to post this picture and share my journey along the way, but why not? What will be the true test, is if I can still post when I fall off the wagon and gain a pound or two! No......real bravery would have been a swimsuit photo!!!! (Maybe at 40!) :-)

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Awesome! What a great way to be motivated!! We all need to make 'lifetime' adjustments for now and for the future to take better care of ourselves! Proud of you!