Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Eve at our house

We've started a new tradition of being at home for Christmas Eve. We had a nice family meal in the dining room by candle light. (Caroline thought that was so cool.)
Beckham's first Christmas...he would NOT leave the tree alone!

The kids opened a couple of presents from Mom & Dad. Caroline was so excited about her Cheetah suit. She immediately put it on and started doing cartwheels and walkovers!

Davis is always wanting a robe or blanket to snuggle up in. I found him this robe & slipper set. He looks like such a little man...he's just missing a pipe.

The kids bought us gifts at their school's Santa Shop. They did such a good job. We loved what they gave us so much.

The kids' favorite thing right now is Nintendo DS and WEBKINZ!

Davis' teacher, Mrs. Brandy gave him the recipe for Chex Mix. We got the ingredients and he made two batches.

Caroline making Santa some Rudolph cookies.

Tonight was really sweet. There was a moment while we were opening presents that I just lost it. We are really "straddling" the fence between the little kid years and the big kid years....and it just hit me hard tonight. The kids are getting so big, but seeing them still with the excitement of one point, I looked at Davis, looking so grown up in his "manly" robe and slippers, then how he was so excited about those 2 little stuffed Webkinz we gave him....I just started bawling! The kids were so loving to me, but I explained that it was a happy cry...we about got Daddy going too. ;-) I love our family and am so thankful for this night and other moments like it....Past, present and most definitely future.

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